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Care and Maintenance

To keep your bench-top in as-new condition here are some cleaning and maintenance tips.

Stain Resistance

Infinity Porcelain is easy to keep clean. It is recommended to NOT use waxes, oily soaps,

commercial grade cleaning products or those with a very high or low pH. We recommend only using natural fibre or microfibre cloths with warm water on these products.

You can use a non-abrasive dishwashing detergent  (pH7 would be most suitable).


Infinity Porcelain is an extremely durable product but do avoid hitting it with anything heavy as

this could cause cracks and chips. You should also avoid putting anything heavy on areas that are not supported and definitely don’t sit or stand on unsupported areas.

Scratches and Staining

Your porcelain product should not scratch with everyday household utensils but products that have a polished finish do require more care so use of a chopping board would be



Infinity porcelain does not stain normally but to avoid any risk of staining clean the product


Heat Resistance

Infinity porcelain is heat resistant and hot domestic utensils won’t hurt the surface but please

ensure any electric frying pans or pots have plastic or rubber feet to avoid direct metal contact

with the surface during and after cooking.



  • To keep your Infinity Porcelain clean, simply wipe with a natural fibre or microfibre cloth and warm water. You can use a non-abrasive dishwashing detergent with a neutral pH (pH7 is ideal).

  • Avoid using waxes, oily soaps, or commercial cleaning products with very high or low pH levels.

  • Infinity Porcelain is very durable but avoid heavy impacts to prevent cracks and chips. Do not place heavy objects on unsupported areas, and avoid sitting or standing on them.

  • While everyday utensils won't scratch the surface, polished finishes need extra care. Use a chopping board to protect these surfaces.

  • Infinity Porcelain is heat resistant, but ensure electric frying pans or pots have plastic or rubber feet to prevent direct metal contact.

  • To avoid staining, clean any spills immediately.

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